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Index page:
1: Mac OS X Cheetah 10.0.4
2:Mac OS X Puma 10.1.5
3: Mac OS X Jaguar 10.2.8
4: Mac OS X Panther 10.3.9
5: OS X Tiger 10.4.8
6: Mac OS X Leopard Retail 10.5.6
7: Mac OS X Snow Leopard 10.6.3
8: OS X Lion 10.7.5
9: OS X Mountain Lion 10.8.5
10: OS X Mavericks 10.9.5
11::OS X Yosemite 10.10.5
12: OS X El Capitan 11.11.6
13: macOS Sierra 10.12.6
14: macOS High Sierra 10.13.2

1. Mac OS X Tiger v10.4.8


Developer: Apple Inc.
Link downdoad: Store App
April 29, 2005
Latest release 10.4.11 / November 14, 2007;
Platforms: IA-32, x86-64, PowerPC
Kernel: type Hybrid kernel

System requirements
Tiger was initially available in a PowerPC edition, with an Intel edition released beginning at 10.4.4. There is no universal version of the client operating system, although Tiger Server was made available on a universal DVD from version 10.4.7. While Apple shipped the PowerPC edition bundled with PowerPC-based Macs and also sold it as a separate retail box, the only way to get the Intel version was bundled with an Intel-based Mac. However, it was possible to buy the ‘restore’ DVDs containing the Intel version through unofficial channels such as eBay, and officially through Apple if you could provide proof of purchase of the appropriate Intel Mac. These grey colored ‘restore’ DVDs supplied with new Macs, are designed to only restore on the model of Mac that they are intended for. The retail PPC-only DVD can be used on any PPC-based Mac supported by Tiger.

The system requirements of the PowerPC edition are:
  • A PowerPC G3, G4, or G5 processor running at 300 MHz or faster
  • Built-in FireWire
  • At least 256 megabytes (MB) of RAM, 128 MB can run it unofficially though (512 MB or 1 GB recommended)
  • At least 3 GB of available hard disk space; 4 GB of disk space including the Xcode 2 Tools, 2 GB for the minimal install
  • DVD-ROM drive (CD-ROM exchange was available; offer ended on March 20, 2007)
2. Mac OS X Leopard v10.5

Developer: Apple Inc.
Link downdoad: Store App
October 26, 2007
Latest release: 10.5.8 (9L31a) / August 13, 2009
Platforms: IA-32, x86-64, PowerPC
Kernel: type Hybrid kernel

System requirements
Apple states the following basic Leopard system requirements, although, for some specific applications and actions (such as iChat backdrops) an Intel processor is required:
  • Processor: any Intel processor, or PowerPC G5 or G4 (867 MHz and faster) processor
  • Optical drive: internal or external DVD drive (for installation of the operating system)
  • Memory: minimum 512 MB of RAM (additional RAM (1 GB) is recommended for development purposes)
  • Hard drive capacity: Minimum 9 GB of disk space available.
Leopard’s retail version was not released in separate versions for each type of processor, but instead consisted of one universal release that could run on both PowerPC and Intel processors. However, the install discs that ship with Intel-based Macs only contain Intel binaries.

Processor type and speed are checked during installation and installation halted if insufficient; however, Leopard will run on slower G4 processor machines (e.g., a 733mhz Quicksilver) if the installation is performed on a supported Mac and its hard-drive then moved to a slower/unsupported one (the drive may either be an internal mechanism or a Firewire external).

Supported machines:

Leopard can run on the later flat panel iMac G4s, the first iMac G5, second iMac G5 (with the ambient light sensor), third iMac G5 (with iSight), iMac Intel Core Duo and (present day) iMac Intel Core 2 Duo, PowerBook G4, Power Mac G4, Power Mac G5, iBook G4, MacBook, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, Xserve, Xserve G5, Xserve RAID, Macintosh Server G4, and later eMac models. Leopard can run on older hardware as long as they have a G4 upgrade installed running at the 867 MHz or faster, have at least 9 GB free of hard drive space, 512 MB RAM and have a DVD drive. Leopard however will not run on the 900 MHz iBook G3 models even though they exceed the minimum 867 MHz requirement. This is due to the lack of AltiVec support in the G3 line of processors and the fact that most pre-G4 and early G4 systems do not have video hardware capable of supporting Core Image, two technologies Leopard relies upon heavily, among others. Leopard can be "hacked" (see below) to install on these G3 and pre-867 MHz G4 machines but the system may behave erratically and many of the programs, features, and functions may not work properly or at all. As of Mid 2010, some Apple computers have firmware factory installed which will no longer allow installation of Mac OS X Leopard. These computers only allow installation and running of Mac OS X Snow Leopard. However, some computers (such as the 2011 model of the Mac mini) can have Leopard installed on them without hacking.
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3. Mac OS X Snow Leopard v10.6.8

Developer: Apple Inc.
Link downdoad: Store App
August 28, 2009; 5 years ago
Latest release: 10.6.8 v1.1 / July 25, 2011; 3 years ago
Platforms: IA-32, x86-64
Kernel: type Hybrid kernel

System requirements
Apple states the following basic Snow Leopard system requirements are:
  • Mac computer with an Intel processor (IA-32). "Yonah" processors such as Core Solo and Core Duo can run only 32-bit applications; later x86-64architecture processors such as Core 2 Duo are also able to run 64-bit applications.
  • 1 GB of RAM
  • 5 GB of free disk space
  • DVD drive (also accessible via Remote Disc) or external USB or FireWire DVD drive for installation
Developer technologies

64-bit architecture

Mac OS X Tiger added limited support for 64-bit applications on machines with 64-bit processors; Leopard extended the support for 64-bit applications to include applications using most of Mac OS X's libraries and frameworks.

In Snow Leopard, most built-in applications have been rebuilt to use the 64-bit x86-64 architecture (excluding iTunes, Front Row, Grapher and DVD Playerapplications). They will run in 32-bit mode on machines with 32-bit processors, and in 64-bit mode on machines with 64-bit processors.

In addition, the Mac OS X kernel has been rebuilt to run in 64-bit mode on some machines. On those machines, Snow Leopard supports up to 16 terabytes of RAM. Newer Xserve and Mac Pro machines will run a 64-bit kernel by default; newer iMac and MacBook Pro machines can run a 64-bit kernel, but will not do so by default. Users wishing to use the 64-bit kernel on those machines must hold down the numbers 6 and 4 on the keyboard while booting to get the 64-bit kernel to load. A change to the com.apple.Boot.plist will also enable users with compatible computers to permanently boot into 64-bit for those wishing to do so.

Stuart Harris, software product marketing manager at Apple Australia, said, "For the most part, everything that they experience on the Mac, from the 64-bit point of view, the applications, the operating system, is all going to be 64-bit, but that at this stage there were very few things, such as device drivers, that required 64-bit mode at the kernel level".
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4. OS X v10.7.5 Lion
Developer: Apple Inc.
Link downdoad: Store App
July 20, 2011; 3 years ago
Latest release: 10.7.5 Build 11G63 / October 4, 2012; 2 years ago
Platforms: x86-64
Kernel: type Hybrid kernel

Hardware support
The first developer preview of Lion added TRIM support for Solid-state drives (SSD) shipped with Macs, which is also included in the latest version of Snow Leopard (10.6.8) shipping with current MacBook Pros before July 20, 2011. Other SSDs have built-in TRIM-like optimization, while yet others require OS patching.

System requirements

  • x86-64 CPU (64-bit Macs, with an Intel Core 2 Duo, Intel Core i3, Intel Core i5, Intel Core i7, or Xeon processor.)
  • At least 2 GB of RAM
  • Mac OS X 10.6.6 or later (Mac OS X 10.6.8 is recommended)
  • At least 7 GB of free hard drive space
  • AirDrop is supported on the following Mac models: MacBook Pro (late 2008 or newer), MacBook Air (late 2010 or newer), MacBook (late 2008 or newer), iMac (early 2009 or newer), Mac Mini (mid-2010 or newer), Mac Pro (early 2009 with AirPort Extreme card and mid-2010 or newer).
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5. OS X v10.8.5 Mountain Lion

Developer: Apple Inc.
Link downdoad: Store App
July 25, 2012
Latest release: 10.8.5 (Build 12F45) / October 3, 2013; 20 months ago
Platforms: x86-64
Kernel: type Hybrid kernel

System requirements
The official system requirements of OS X 10.8 are 2 GB RAM, 8 GB available storage, OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) or later, and any of the following Macs:
As in 10.7, the earliest models supporting AirDrop are the late-2008 MacBook Pro, late-2010 MacBook Air, late-2008 MacBook, mid-2010 Mac Mini, and early-2009 Mac Pro with an AirPort Extreme card. Any Mac released in or after 2011, except the MacBook, supports AirPlay Mirroring. Power Nap is supported on the mid-2011 or newer MacBook Air and “retina” MacBook Pro.

The technical basis for these requirements is incompatibility with 32-bit EFI and 32-bit kernel extensions (most importantly, drivers for GPUs shipped in some older Macs). In order to prevent potentially incompatible systems from installing 10.8, the installer contains a whitelist of supported motherboard IDs. Users have bypassed these limitations so that 10.8 may run with varying functionality on some officially unsupported computers
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6. OS X v10.9.5 Mavericks


Developer: Apple Inc.
Link downdoad: Store App
Released: October 22, 2013
Latest release: 10.9.5 (Build 13F1077) / September 17, 2014; 9 months ago
Platforms: x86-64
Kernel: type Hybrid kernel

System requirements
OS X Mavericks is compatible with most Macs that are capable of running OS X Mountain Lion; as with Mountain Lion, 2 GB of RAM, 8 GB of available storage, and OS X 10.6.8 (Snow Leopard) or later are required. Mavericks is free to upgrade and all later versions are free.

The full list of compatible models:
  • iMac (Mid-2007 or later)
  • MacBook (13-inch Aluminum, Late 2008), (13-inch Polycarbonate, Early 2009 or later)
  • MacBook Pro (13-inch, Mid-2009 or later), (15-inch or 17-inch, Mid/Late 2007 or later)
  • MacBook Air (Late 2008 or later)
  • Mac Mini (Early 2009 or later)
  • Mac Pro (Early 2008 or later)
  • Xserve (Early 2009)
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7. OS X v10.10.5 Yosemite
Year :13/08/2015
Version :14F27
Developer : Apple Inc.
Platform :Intel Only

System Requirements :
iMac (mid-2007 model or newer);
MacBook (model with aluminum body, the end of the 2008 model began in 2009 or later);
MacBook Pro (model middle / end of 2007 or later);
MacBook Air (late 2008 model or newer);
Mac mini (early 2009 model or newer);
Mac Pro (early 2008 model or newer);
Xserve (early 2009 model)

Language : English
Link download: Store App
Password download and extract: osxvn


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OS X El Capitan 10.11.6
Release : 2016, Jul 18
Version : 10.11.6 • build: 15G31
The developer : iTunes Sarl © Apple Inc.
Platform : Intel only
System Requirements :
Supported: (requires clarification)
  • iMac (mid-2007 model or newer)
  • MacBook Air (late 2008 model or newer)
  • MacBook (late 2008 model Aluminum, beginning in 2009 or later)
  • Mac mini (early 2009 model or newer)
  • MacBook Pro (model mid / late 2007 or newer)
  • Mac Pro (early 2008 model or newer)
  • Xserve (early 2009 model)
Language :Multi
Link download: Store App
Password download and extract: osxvn

What's New in Version 10.11.3
The OS X El Capitan v10.11.3 Update improves the stability, compatibility, and security of your Mac, and is recommended for all users.
This update:
  • Fixes an issue that may prevent some Mac computers from waking from sleep when connected to certain 4K displays.
Enterprise content:
  • Third-party .pkg file receipts stored in /var/db/receipts are now retained when upgrading from OS X Yosemite.
OS X El Capitan, the latest version of the Mac operating system, builds on the groundbreaking features and beautiful design introduced in OS X Yosemite, refining the experience and improving performance in lots of ways that you’ll enjoy everyday.

Make the most of your screen with Split View.
• Focus on two apps at once – neatly arranged side by side — in full screen without distractions.

Take control of your desktop with Mission Control.
• View all your open windows in a single layer with no overlap, so you can instantly find that window you’re looking for.
• Create a new desktop space easily by dragging a window to the top of your screen.

Smarter search in Spotlight.
• Search for weather, stocks, sports, web video, and transit information right in Spotlight.
• Use your own words to search for files on your Mac, like “Documents I edited yesterday.”
• Resize the Spotlight window and move it anywhere on the screen.

Handy improvements in Mail.
• Use your trackpad to manage your inbox with a swipe, just like on iPhone. Swipe right to mark as read or unread, or swipe left to delete.
• Mail automatically suggests contacts and events from your messages to help you keep your Contacts and Calendar organized.
• An improved full-screen view lets you switch between your inbox and your draft email messages.

A simple and powerful all-new Notes app.
• Format your notes with titles, paragraph headings, bullets, numbers, and checklists.
• Save rich content like photos, videos, documents, PDFs, web links, and map locations.
• Easily search and browse the content from all your notes in the Attachments Browser.
• Add content to a note directly from other OS X apps using the Share menu.
• Create notes on your Mac and they’ll automatically sync to your iOS devices using iCloud.

New ways to organize and enhance your images in Photos.
• Photos automatically organizes your library and helps you edit like a pro with simple and powerful editing tools.
• Access your library on all your devices with iCloud Photo Library.
• Add or edit location data, and batch change titles, descriptions, and keywords.
• Sort your albums and the photos in them by date, title, and more.
• Use third-party editing extensions to take your photo editing to the next level.

Better surfing in Safari.
• Keep your favorite websites open, up to date, and easily accessible with Pinned Sites.
• Choose a font and theme for Reader, including Sepia and Night themes.
• Mute web page audio from the Smart Search field.

Maps, now with Transit view.
• See transit lines and stations for select cities, including subway, train, bus, and ferry routes.
• Plan your trip based on when you want to leave or arrive.
• Research your trip on your Mac and share it to your iPhone or iPad for use on the go.

New fonts.
• Designed for Retina displays, beautiful system font San Francisco is crisp, clear and space efficient.
• PingFang (苹方), the new Chinese system font, is designed for crisp readability in both Simplified and Traditional Chinese.
• Hiragana Sans, the Japanese system font, now features additional weights.
• Four new Japanese fonts let you add a personal touch to documents and presentations.

Improved input methods for Chinese and Japanese.
• Type Chinese more quickly with an improved character prediction engine and a smarter candidate window.
• Write multiple Chinese characters using the trackpad and the new, roomier Trackpad window.
• Live conversion automatically transforms Hiragana into written Japanese as you type.

Faster graphics with Metal.
• Enjoy faster, more efficient system-level graphics rendering.
• Experience a richer, more immersive gaming experience.
• Create content more quickly with accelerated high-performance apps.

Snappier performance for everyday tasks.
• Launch apps and switch between them more quickly.
• Access email and render PDFs more quickly.





Screen Shot 2016-01-28 at 1.16.24 AM.png
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macOS Sierra 10.12.6 (16A322)

Year of release : July 19, 2017
Version : 10.12.6 Build 16G29
Developer : Apple Inc.
Platform : Intel only
System requirements : OS X 10.7 or later macOS 10.12 Sierra

Supports the following models
  • iMac (model mid-2009 or later)
  • MacBook the Air (model end of 2010 or newer)
  • MacBook (model end of 2009 or newer)
  • Mac the mini (model beginning in 2010 or later)
  • MacBook the Pro (model beginning in 2010 or later) the Mac the Pro (model beginning 2010 or newer)
Language: English, Vietnam + Multi
Link download: Store App
Password download and extract (if have): osxvn

Siri makes its debut on Mac, with new features designed just for the desktop. Your Mac works with iCloud and your Apple devices in smart new ways, and intelligent capabilities make your photos, music, and messaging even more enjoyable.

Get things done by asking Siri, the intelligent assistant now on your Mac.
• Enjoy your favorite features from iOS as well as new ones optimized for Mac.
• Send messages, create reminders, search the web, and more while you work.
• Drag and drop or copy and paste Siri results into your documents.
• Pin Siri results in Notification Center and reference them later.
• Find files, adjust settings, and get system information just by asking Siri.

Copy and paste between your devices with Universal Clipboard.
• Copy a quote, image, or video from an app on one device and paste it into an app on another device.

Automatically log in with Auto Unlock.
• Log in to your Mac automatically when you wear your Apple Watch — no need to type your password.

Enjoy the convenience and security of Apple Pay when you shop on the web.
• Use Apple Pay to make easy, secure payments when shopping in Safari on your Mac.
• Complete your purchase with Touch ID on your iPhone or with your Apple Watch.

Access files on your Mac desktop from your iPhone with iCloud Desktop and Documents.
• Automatically store all the files on your desktop and in your Documents folder in iCloud, and access them from all your devices.
• Keep the same desktop and Documents folder on your other Mac.

Easily free up space on your Mac with Optimized Storage.
• Automatically store seldom-used files in iCloud, where they’ll be available on demand.
• Additional tools help you remove files you don’t need, to save even more space.

Get control of your desktop with tabs in apps.
• Use tabs to manage multiple windows in Maps, Pages, Keynote, Numbers, and more.
• Work with tabs in your favorite third-party apps — no developer adoption required.

Keep an eye on the big game or your favorite video with Picture in Picture.
• Float a video window from Safari or iTunes over your desktop as you work.
• Place the Picture in Picture window in any corner, and it stays put when you switch spaces or work in full screen.

Rediscover the most meaningful moments in your Photos library.
• Enjoy favorite and forgotten occasions from your photo library with Memories.
• View your images by who’s in them. Photos uses advanced face recognition technology to automatically group photos of the same person together.
• Search your photos by what’s in them, such as beaches, dogs, or concerts, thanks to intelligent search that can recognize objects and scenes.
• Track your photo expeditions across an interactive world map.

Enjoy an all-new Apple Music experience in iTunes.
• Easily navigate your library with the redesigned Apple Music.
• Discover great new music thanks to expert curation and advanced machine learning that give you the best recommendations.

Liven up your Messages conversations.
• See web content previews and watch web videos right in a conversation.
• Respond to messages with quick, handy Tapbacks.
• Express yourself with 3x larger emoji.
• View the stickers, Digital Touch, invisible ink, and handwritten messages that friends send from their iOS devices.

Some features may not be available in all regions or all languages. Some features have hardware requirements. Some features require an iCloud storage plan.

The macOS Sierra 10.12 improves the stability, compatibility, and performance of your Mac.

This update:

• Improves setup and reliability of Auto Unlock
• Allows addition of a Chinese Trackpad Handwriting button to the Touch Bar Control Strip
• Adds support for taking screenshots of the Touch Bar using the Grab app or Cmd-Shift-6 shortcut
• Fixes an issue that caused the Touch Bar emoji picker to appear on the display
• Resolves graphics issues on MacBook Pro (October 2016) computers
• Fixes an issue where System Integrity Protection was disabled on some MacBook Pro (October 2016) computers
• Improves setup and opt-out experience for iCloud Desktop and Documents
• Fixes an issue with the delivery of Optimized Storage alerts
• Improves audio quality when using Siri and FaceTime with Bluetooth headphones
• Improves the stability of Photos when creating and ordering books
• Fixes an issue where incoming Mail messages did not appear when using a Microsoft Exchange account
• Fixes an issue that prevented installation of Safari Extensions downloaded outside the Safari Extensions Gallery
• Adds support for new installations of Windows 8 and Windows 7 using Boot Camp on supported Macs





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Year : December 6, 2017
Version : 10.13.2 Build : 17C88
Developer : Apple Inc.
Link download: Store App
Platform : Intel only
Language : English + Russian
Tablet : Not required

System requirements
• iMac (late 2009 or newer)
• MacBook Air (2010 or newer)
• MacBook Pro (2010 or newer
• Mac mini (2010 or newer)
• MacBook (2009 or newer)
• Mac Pro (2010 or newer)

What's new in version 10.13.2
Updating macOS High Sierra 10.13.2 contains a number of improvements aimed at improving the stability, compatibility and security of your Mac.
In this update:
• Compatibility with certain third-party USB audio devices is improved.
• Improved VoiceOver navigation when working with PDF documents in the Viewer.
• Improved compatibility of braille displays with the program "Mail".
macOS High Sierra is
your Mac. Excellence.
New technologies used in the operating system, make the Mac more reliable, functional and fast. Now he is ready for future innovations. In addition, the macOS High Sierra has improved features and applications that you use every day. macOS took a new height. It's out this fall. Move mountains with new technologies. New base technologies in macOS High Sierra have allowed to improve the basic functions of Mac. Today, Mac is a new storage architecture, improved video viewing capabilities, full access to the resources of powerful graphics processors. And not only. Apple file system. New top-management data.

Documentation. Photo. Mail. Applications. Everything that's so important to you is perceived by the Mac as data. And the file system is responsible for organizing this data in the form of files and folders and gives you access to them. Our previous file system was developed for the early Mac models and perfectly coped with their tasks. But the modern Mac works on the basis of flash drives, and this opens up great opportunities for innovation. Therefore, it's time to lay the foundation for the future. In macOS High Sierra, we are introducing for the first time on Mac the Apple file system with an improved architecture that provides a new level of security and speed. HEVC. The new video standard.

On the growing popularity of video 4K Mac meets the new standard HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding), also known as H.265.1 It is able to compress video up to 40% stronger than the current H.264 standard. Therefore, video files in HEVC format are transmitted faster and take up less space without sacrificing quality. Metal 2. New graphics rules.

Today, for effective work on the Mac, the graphics processor is more important than ever. And graphics processors are becoming more and more powerful. Metal technology, built into macOS, allows applications to use the graphic potential of the computer to the maximum. Its new version of Metal 2 is not only a new level of image quality, but also the possibility of machine learning, support for virtual reality and external graphics processors in entertainment and professional applications. With Metal 2, you can incorporate the imagination into full power - and playing games, and creating content, and developing software.
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