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Hà Nội

Year : 2015
Price: 199 $
Version : 9.0 Build # PS-141.1912
Developer : JetBrains
System requirements : Mac OS X 10.5 or Higher, Including 10.9 (Mavericks) Java 6 1 GB RAM minimum 2 GB RAM recommended Minimum 1024x768 screen resolution
Language : only English
Link download: Fshare
Pass: osxvn

JetBrains PhpStorm coboy is easy and convenient editor of PHP, which will maximize your productivity. The editor understands the code, gives handy tips, quick navigation and tracking error "on the fly". IDE is always ready to help you build your code, run unit tests, and provide visual debugging. PhpStorm supports PHP, CSS, HTML, XML, YAML, javascript - everything you need for what would develop its own web-site. The graphical debugger PHP-JetBrains PhpStorm implemented conditional breakpoints, tracking values, an automated entrance to debug certain procedures. To test the application offers an environment PhpUnit and graphical interface to run tests.


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